Shipwrecked MF creampie

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

November 29, 2016

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Chapter 139: Choosing a Second

Chapter Cast:

Kal, Male, 38
- Narrator, disaster survivor and castaway
- Husband of Kate, Bailey, Keekah, and Amy, father of Katie
- 6'1, 190lbs, straight, shoulder-length dark-brown hair
Kate, Female, 37
- Wife of Kal and Amy
- 5'8, 150lbs, pale skin, shoulder-length curly red hair
Nina, Female, 26
- Lover of Kate, Kal, and Hakee
- 5'4, 120lbs, light-brown tanned skin, straight shoulder-length brown hair
Bailey, Female, 15
- Wife of Kal, mother of Katie
- 5'5, 130lbs, golden-brown tanned skin, shoulder-length light yellow-brown sun-streaked hair
Keekah, Female, 16
- Wife of Kal, pregnant, daughter of Manu, sister of Hakee and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'6, 150lbs, mocha-brown skin, waist-length mostly-straight black hair
Gale, Female, 44
- Wife of Tok
- 5'5, 130lbs, dark tanned skin, waist-length dark reddish-brown hair
Manu, Female, 34
- Survivor from Hahonoko, mother of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie, aunt of Poln
- 5'5, 150lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Hakee, Female, 18
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'9, 145lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Mie, Female, 13
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Hakee, cousin of Poln
- 5'1, 100lbs, mocha-brown skin, shoulder-length wavy black hair
Poln, Male, 11
- Survivor from Hahonoko, nephew of Manu, cousin of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie
- 4'11, 115lbs, mocha-brown skin, short, wavy dark-brown hair
Tok, Male, 35
- Survivor from Hahonoko, husband of Gale, father of Azure
- 6'3, 205lbs, brown skin, shoulder-length wavy dark-brown hair
Amy, Female, 16
- Wife of Kal and Kate, mother of Azure
- 5'7, 130lbs, pale skin, shoulder-length straight black hair
Amu (Amutoko), Male, 53
- Newcomer to the island, widowed hermit
- 5'6, 150lbs, medium-brown skin, tight-curly black hair
Kylana, Female, 15
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, sister of Hunamu, Tika, and Tila
- 5'8, 140lbs, dark-brown skin, long dark-brown hair in braids
Hunamu, Male, 14
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, brother of Kylana, Tika, and Tila
- 5'10, 150lbs, dark-brown skin, cropped curly black hair
Tika, Female, 13
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, twin sister of Tila, sister of Kylana and Humanu
- 5'4, 125lbs, dark-brown skin, wavy dark-brown back-length hair
Tila, Female, 13
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, twin sister of Tika, sister of Kylana and Humanu
- 5'4, 125lbs, dark-brown skin, wavy dark-brown back-length hair
Popko, Male, 20
- Uhonomonan native
- 5'10, 165lbs, dark-brown skin, short curly black hair
Katie, Female, 9 1/2 months
- Daughter of Kal and Bailey, first child born on Phoenix
- Infant, beige skin, sandy red hair
Azure, Female, newborn
- Daughter of Amy and Tok, second child born on Phoenix
- Infant, rich bronze skin, curly black hair
Kunomo, Male, 47
- Uhonamonan elder, brother of Kahan
- 5'8, 145lbs, dark-brown skin, short black hair

The next couple of days were a rush of work and excitement. The lingering hollowness from the week or so of concern for our lost friends had slowly given way to encouraging hope. We'd taken big steps to formalize our community, and those with added responsibility were taking their roles seriously. The Council had already met to discuss how to handle things like punishments for crime and their role as justices. We'd intentionally not prescribed specific consequences for breaking our laws. Since we'd not had any such behavior during our time on Phoenix, we didn't really know how to deal with that. We knew it would happen some day, and it would be up to the Council to set the precedents before we decided we needed to codify things.

It's not like we had a jail cell or a parole system or anything like that. What would we do to someone caught stealing supplies? I didn't know, and honestly, I was glad that was a problem for other people. Would we execute someone if they committed a heinous act? I cringed at the thought. We'd not specifically excluded capital punishment in our Constitution, though it had been discussed briefly. I had been very opposed to it back in the other world, the one where I was a United States citizen, for a number of reasons. But on Phoenix, it was hard to rule that out. If someone raped Bailey, would I stand in the way of that person being executed? I really didn't know.

But those darker thoughts were drowned out by the excitement for our new systems. Bailey and Amy were already formalizing an educational program. They planned to teach everyone, not just children. They would first and foremost start a program to teach the reading and writing of English. That was the basis for all of what would come next. Almost all of our books were in English, though we had a handful in other languages, as well. To be a well-educated citizen, the young women believed, you had to be able to read and write a common language.

And Gale was well into her role as head of Resources. She'd sent word with the returning Tila and Tika that she was working with Amu to draw up plans for inventory management and expanding crop yields, as well as a system for scheduling labor allocation. That last point had been one I knew we needed. Generally, tasks were completed based on whoever saw it needed done. Often, Manu had taken charge and directed our work, but it was informal and efficient only at times, so it made sense to figure out a way to define our roles in a planned way. I knew this would beg questions about whether the State had the responsibility, as well as the power, to force people to perform certain labor, or whether individuals could have a say in which tasks they performed. Those concerns were put off for a future discussion as those currently living in Phoenix had shown no regard for what labor they were asked to perform so far.

Nina was well on her way to getting her defensive strategy in place. After a couple of days of deliberation and thought, she'd selected Popko to be her Undersecretary. She confided in me that, while she thought Kunomo was capable, she just did not know him well enough, and since the man had gone North the evening of the Council election, she'd had no chance to communicate with him about the role or to work on building a trust with him. Popko had returned to camp after a night in the North to retrieve additional supplies, and when Nina discussed the idea with him, he held a solemn resolve that suggested he would take his role seriously. He accepted, and our leadership positions were fully staffed.

And then, much as we always had, we pressed on together. Work was done cheerfully and with consistent effort. We had a lot to do, and we always pushed hard when the weather was fair. It had been warming for days, and by November 8th, midday felt like early Summer rather than late Spring. No one wore clothing around the main camp, and I admit that I always enjoyed watching the women work with their beige and brown bodies glistening with sweat.

Amy was moving around more and more, and when Kate gave her a break to nurse Azure, Amy wouldfish or crab or help out in any way she could. Like most of us, Amy was not content to sit back and relax while others labored, even though she would have been very justified only three weeks after childbirth.

Azure was a healthy girl, even if she was so very small. She'd likely been born a few weeks early, but otherwise, she seemed well. Fidgety at times, but so far, the infant had been quiet at night. Her beautiful light bronzed-brown skin showed her mixed race, and her facial features were a unique and wonderful combination of Tok's broad, proud nose and pronounced chin as well as Amy's wide, slightly-curved eyes and narrow cheeks. Azure would be a very lovely young woman one day.

It had been difficult for Tok to go North a few days earlier given how little time he'd had to spend with Azure, but he'd done so because we needed his efforts there. He hoped to return within a few days to spend some real time with his newborn daughter.

Keekah was so big I actually asked Manu if it was worrisome. The woman chuckled and told me it was perfectly normal, that Keekah's body was close but it would start the process when it was ready. For her part, Keekah had kept a cheerful attitude despite the way she could no longer easily get up and down from chairs and mattresses on her own. Still, seeing her bulging stomach with those large, swollen breasts over top was a wonderful sight. She continued to work on repairing linens and making new pillows so as to keep herself busy and to contribute in whatever way she could.

I had yet to formally pick my Vice-Chief. Other than that night with Nina, I'd not even discussed it with anyone. I'd almost asked Manu for her thoughts a couple of times, but I didn't want to open up about the concerns I had. My worry for whether Hakee would be accepted if she needed to step into my role was my own, and though Nina knew my thoughts about it, no one else did. I thought I might keep it that way.

But Manu forced the conversation over lunch. She and I were eating by ourselves late in the afternoon, the last to collect our share from the bubbling stew of clams and crab and onions. “Kal, have you thought about who you might select as your Vice?” Manu asked between mouthfuls.

“I have...”

“But you have not selected someone...”

“I'm not sure, Manu.” I decided to open up. “Honestly, I think you are the best person for the job if someone had to take my place. Of that, I am certain.”

She nodded once, then replied, “But I'm already on the Council and you want to choose someone who wouldn't draw from that existing resource?”

I mirrored her nod. “Exactly.”

“So, who are you thinking about choosing, then?”


“My daughter would be an excellent choice, I believe,” Manu said evenly.

“I agree. My concern is this... If she stepped in for me... would you all follow her as you did me? I feel like... if there is any doubt about that issue, I cannot put her in that position. Whoever I choose must command respect immediately. We can't leave that sort of situation room for doubt.”

“Understandable, and to be honest... I don't know,” Manu replied, shrugging. “But... I don't know that Hakee would be seen much differently than I would.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“If I was your Vice, and had to assume your position, there would be those who might not fully embrace my lead.”

“I find that difficult to believe, Manu. I'm honest when I say I think you could easily take my place and probably do better than I can.”

“Maybe so, but it won't change the fact that I was not the first choice. We all picked you, Kal. We trust your decisions. Anyone else will take the role with some doubt if it does not come from an election. Whatever crises forces the Vice to take charge, it will come with uncertainty for anyone trying to take your place.”

“Promise me something, then.”

“What?” Manu asked.

“Whoever I choose, and to the best of your ability, make sure the Council supports them, both publicly and behind the scenes. If something happens to me, it is vital that my replacement step in and perform immediately, ready for that moment or not. Whoever it is, they will need you to support them. I think if the Council backs that person from second one, openly and strongly, it will keep the doubt from causing paralysis and pushback.”

“I trust you, Kal,” Manu replied, “and I will make you this promise. Whoever you choose, they will have my support, and I suspect Tok and Kate will likewise support your Vice.”

“Then I've made my decision.”

Manu beamed. “My daughter will be proud to accept, I think.”

- - -

I got a moment alone with Hakee after supper. I asked her to walk with me down the beach, and I took her hand and led us to the West as the sun approached the horizon.

“I have something to ask you, and I want you to think about it for a day or two before answering,” I began.

“Okay...” Hakee replied, turning to look at me seriously. “Is everything alright?”

“Oh, yes,” I stated, “everything is great. I have a choice to make, one that is very important, both to me and to everyone else. I've thought a lot about it, and I've made my decision. I'd like you to be my Vice-Chief.”

Hakee turned away from me and was silent as we walked, hand-in-hand.

“This... is unexpected,” she replied after some moments.

“I didn't come to this choice easily. I debated everyone's potential and abilities, trying to figure out who best could serve in that role, and after a few days, I believe you are the best person for the job.”

“Why me?” she asked, looking thoughtful.

“You have a mind full of curiosity and strong opinions. You make alliances easily, but you give trust only when earned. You demand more of yourself than you must, and you hold others to high standards. I've seen you encourage and comfort. I've seen you take charge and deligate to others responsibly. I believe you have everything it takes to lead people, Hakee, and it would be an honor and a privilege to work with you. I have a lot to learn in this position, and I think you and I work well together. If you needed to become Chief, I believe you would step up and take the burdens of leadership seriously and personally. Nothing more could be asked of anyone.”

“But what about my mom? I think she's the right person.”

I nodded. “I seriously considered her. But I think that she will have her hands full on the Council. Plus, I needed someone not already committed to a position. While the Vice-Chief has no responsibilities on paper, I believe the person in that role must assume they will become Chief one day, and a lot of time and effort must go into those preparations. I believe you, of everyone, fit what is needed perfectly.” I didn't mention, of course, the doubts I'd expressed to Manu.

Hakee became silent again and we walked a while as the light dimmed.

“I will consider your request.”

“That is all I ask.”

She stopped and turned towards me, taking my other hand. “Thank you, Kal. It is an honor to know you think of me this way. I do my best here, though sometimes I still feel like a child. It is nice to hear that you believe I am capable of much more.”

“Believe it. You are a natural leader, Hakee. You can do this.”

She smiled and leaned towards me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and kissing my lips. Her naked breasts pressed against my chest, and I could feel her hard, dark nipples poking my flesh. My hands moved on their own to her ass and I caressed her soft but firm buttocks, eliciting a moan from Hakee's throat.

She raised one leg to my hip and I held it in place as she stroked my cock, then soon she brought her furry crotch close to mine, and the slick heat of her pussy slid over my length. I groaned in pleasure as Hakee took me inside her tight hole.

We rocked together like that, rutting slowly, kissing and touching each other with desire. Her body shuddered as she moved against me, her body trembling, her vagina stretching just enough to let me fully penetrate her little hole. I throbbed my cum into her moments later, pulsing with arousal and pleasure, semen filling Hakee's vagina as I spewed my seed against her cervix.

Before I softened enough to withdraw, I dropped my free hand between us and rubbed her clit. Hakee ground her body against me and began to orgasm as my penis slipped from her pussy and sticky cream ran freely from her small, swollen vagina. I let her leg drop and we held tight to each other while we kissed, our bodies coated in brine and sweat in the heat just as the sun began dipping below the horizon.

When we finally broke our embrace, Hakee swept a finger through her hairy cunt and drew up a drop of semen. She sucked it into her mouth and swallowed it, then looked at me with tired contentment. “I'll think about what you said, Kal. I promise I'll let you know soon.”

I took her hand and we turned to walk back towards camp in the failing light.

End of Chapter 139

Read Chapter 140